Looking In
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Natasha Arina part 2
Hahha ade part 2 lagi...Don't get me wrong. I really like the storyline. Its just that the directing is poor.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Natasha Arina
Ok so here is the review of my own cerpen Natasha Arina. Bear the long post. Hehe Firstly, I would like to say that the trailer was extremely well done. I mean the 30s advertisement. Heck I think its the best among all the Projek cerpen's drama's advertisement. But sadly...soooo saddddd
Take note that I'm judging this base on the one broadcasted on tv, not my original cerpen because the original was extremely different. So I'm taking Natasha Arina as a whole new story, not the one I wrote. Storyline was good actually but the directing was terrible. It seems that the director wants to tell 10 different stories within a short period of time of 45 mins (minus the advertisements).
First was the search of the lost siblings, second was the relationship of the guy Hakim and the greedy ass women Dewi aka wiwik (I laughed at the name when I first heard it), third was the killing of Natasha Arina, and fourth was the court thingy. So 4 different stories within 45 mins. Obviously its gonna be a mess! And it is! The development was ridiculous. They developed only 1 out of the 4 stories. And that is the relationship which took a whole 30+mins! The rest of the 3 stories were rushed towards the end and that led to confusion among the viewers. It was not good at all! Such a pity because I think the storyline was good. There was even a twist (this is the only thing same in my cerpen), but the scenes were too rushed towards the end and so the twist wasnt so noticeable!
The one that I really hate is the transition between the kiiling of one of the sisters (I don't know who and I'm surprised that Hakim knows who he killed as the victim wore a scarf which makes them impossible to differentiate). Yah the transition from there to the courtroom was horrible! Orang dah feeling tengok the girl mati tiba-tiba terus masuk courtroom. Spoiler! The feeling is lost! But even so, I quite like the courtroom scene though its very rushed and can be alot better!
There are just too many flaws on the movie!! And it really is a pity because the storyline is good (again) and the casting were excellent!! Jorah Ahmad was great and I like all her scenes! I still remembered when she turned her chair to face weeweek, my mom said *Ah setan datang!* Rahimah aka dewi aka weeweek was excellent! That Hakim aka Suhaimi guy pon not bad! The husband also not bad! Even the bibik is good! See!! So many good actresses and actors but spoiled by the poor directing.
The most obvious flaw is, the title is Natasha Arina, but the twins only got their scenes after 40 minutes of the one-hour show. Okaaay. Ok this can be forgiven because this was my title and they had to use it. Even so, nak alter pon berpatutan lah. Hehehe
Now how is this different from my original cerpen? VERY different. My cerpen has no bibik, no husband, no sister searching for lost siblings and no nenek scene aka jorah ahmad! In fact, it only had 2 characters! And eveything happens in 1 day! And my cerpen has both the twins dead instead of only 1! And its not caused by drowning to death but by suicide! And the killer Hakim had a grudge against Dewi, not love her as portrayed in the drama! Now why do I say killer when it is suicide? Thats the interesting part. See!! Sooooo different from the drama!
And people, please dont blame the writers for the dissapointing Projek Cerpen dramas (Im saying in general). Since when is it the writer's fault when what had been portrayed in tv is ridiculous? Whether or not the drama will turn out to be depends on the directing. You can have the best story in the world but if u give it to a poor director, it will be a disaster. Im sure that if Steven Spielberg were to direct all the Projeck cerpen drama, it will all be nominated for Oscars.
Moral is: Screw the show I got the money!
Take note that I'm judging this base on the one broadcasted on tv, not my original cerpen because the original was extremely different. So I'm taking Natasha Arina as a whole new story, not the one I wrote. Storyline was good actually but the directing was terrible. It seems that the director wants to tell 10 different stories within a short period of time of 45 mins (minus the advertisements).
First was the search of the lost siblings, second was the relationship of the guy Hakim and the greedy ass women Dewi aka wiwik (I laughed at the name when I first heard it), third was the killing of Natasha Arina, and fourth was the court thingy. So 4 different stories within 45 mins. Obviously its gonna be a mess! And it is! The development was ridiculous. They developed only 1 out of the 4 stories. And that is the relationship which took a whole 30+mins! The rest of the 3 stories were rushed towards the end and that led to confusion among the viewers. It was not good at all! Such a pity because I think the storyline was good. There was even a twist (this is the only thing same in my cerpen), but the scenes were too rushed towards the end and so the twist wasnt so noticeable!
The one that I really hate is the transition between the kiiling of one of the sisters (I don't know who and I'm surprised that Hakim knows who he killed as the victim wore a scarf which makes them impossible to differentiate). Yah the transition from there to the courtroom was horrible! Orang dah feeling tengok the girl mati tiba-tiba terus masuk courtroom. Spoiler! The feeling is lost! But even so, I quite like the courtroom scene though its very rushed and can be alot better!
There are just too many flaws on the movie!! And it really is a pity because the storyline is good (again) and the casting were excellent!! Jorah Ahmad was great and I like all her scenes! I still remembered when she turned her chair to face weeweek, my mom said *Ah setan datang!* Rahimah aka dewi aka weeweek was excellent! That Hakim aka Suhaimi guy pon not bad! The husband also not bad! Even the bibik is good! See!! So many good actresses and actors but spoiled by the poor directing.
The most obvious flaw is, the title is Natasha Arina, but the twins only got their scenes after 40 minutes of the one-hour show. Okaaay. Ok this can be forgiven because this was my title and they had to use it. Even so, nak alter pon berpatutan lah. Hehehe
Now how is this different from my original cerpen? VERY different. My cerpen has no bibik, no husband, no sister searching for lost siblings and no nenek scene aka jorah ahmad! In fact, it only had 2 characters! And eveything happens in 1 day! And my cerpen has both the twins dead instead of only 1! And its not caused by drowning to death but by suicide! And the killer Hakim had a grudge against Dewi, not love her as portrayed in the drama! Now why do I say killer when it is suicide? Thats the interesting part. See!! Sooooo different from the drama!
And people, please dont blame the writers for the dissapointing Projek Cerpen dramas (Im saying in general). Since when is it the writer's fault when what had been portrayed in tv is ridiculous? Whether or not the drama will turn out to be depends on the directing. You can have the best story in the world but if u give it to a poor director, it will be a disaster. Im sure that if Steven Spielberg were to direct all the Projeck cerpen drama, it will all be nominated for Oscars.
Moral is: Screw the show I got the money!
Creative and funny! I will post my comments about my cerpen later. Of coz I have ALOT of things to say about it. But right now..enjoy!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Good News!
After 10 weeks of waiting, finally my cerpen is going televised on 25th March, next week Tuesday on SURIA at 9.30pm!!! Please watch and blog about it ok! Thankz!! Oh btw, the title is Natasha Arina. Its about a pair of twins.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Ziana Zain With Fanz!

Event: Activities with Fanz at Port Dickson
Date: 10-11 Mei 2008
For booking, please contact Dora Mahdi @017-3069799 or ME!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Ziana Zain Coming to Singapore!

Event: High Tea Bersama Ziana Zain Sempena Hari Ibu
Tarik: 17 May 2008
Tempat: Furama Riverfront Hotel
Harga: $55 setiap seorang.
For more information/booking, please call syafia at 6342 4833 or Yati 9824 3942
Tickets selling fast!
Or u can inform me if you wanna join...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Usah Menunggu...
I like this...
calon lagu terbaik APM next year...
no harm dreaming...
Pada setiap saat
Andai ku masih bernafas
Jika Tuhan mengizinkan
Ku ingin terus bersamamu sayang
Namun tiba masanya
jika kau telah memilih
Berakhir cinta kita
kuakur dalam rela
Usahlah menyoal hatiku
Usahlah menunggu jawapanku
Biarku simpannya di hati
Perit dan derita kualami
Jika suatu hari
Kita dipertemukan lagi
Dan punya haluan sendiri
Aku kan tetap di sini
Walau sekadar teman disisi
calon lagu terbaik APM next year...
no harm dreaming...
Pada setiap saat
Andai ku masih bernafas
Jika Tuhan mengizinkan
Ku ingin terus bersamamu sayang
Namun tiba masanya
jika kau telah memilih
Berakhir cinta kita
kuakur dalam rela
Usahlah menyoal hatiku
Usahlah menunggu jawapanku
Biarku simpannya di hati
Perit dan derita kualami
Jika suatu hari
Kita dipertemukan lagi
Dan punya haluan sendiri
Aku kan tetap di sini
Walau sekadar teman disisi
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Busy Again...
AHHHH BUSY!! Wake up in the morning which is ard 12-1pm. Then after bathing and meal, start voting (which takes until the evening), then listen to carta c30 era, then get happy coz ziana zain will always be in the top 3, then at night, compose songs, then sometimes watch movies that I downloaded like last years, if not write a book, if not blog. argh!!! Thats my life in the holidays!! Argh ziana kenape lah ko release dingin bile aku tgh holiday ah!!!! argh!!! hurhurhurhur
p/s I still cant shit...how?
p/s I still cant shit...how?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I can't seem to shit nowadays. Can anyone tell me why?
Life...My Past
Life is about choices and consequences. Each choice u make has a consequence, be it good or bad. It is NOT fated. It only is fated when you have no choice. But don't worry if the consequence turn out to be bad, because every bad has a good in it. So life = good!
I still remembered that time when i was in sec 1 or 2. I watched Klinik Kita on Suria and they interviewed this nurse. She said sometings I cant rmb but what she said that hit me to this day that I will never ever forget in my life is that, "Every bad has a good in it". Simple. Its a simple phrase but has a very deep meaning. Thats the phrase that keeps me going on. Thats the phrase that keeps me from not getting angry. I've never in my life got angry at my friends after sec 2 and that phrase is the secret.
I can be the most heartless person you've ever met. I can be the most irritating person you've ever met. I can be the most stupid person you've ever met. I can be the most caring person you've ever met. I can be the most nicest and friendliest person you've ever met..I'm versatile. But I CHOSE not to be and to be. I chose to be who am I today.
Think that I'm innocent and has no bad records? In school, I made a friend of mine got canned by the principal for my bad deeds. And to this day no one knows who's the real culprit (unless they read this). And to this day I regretted what I've done. But like I said, every bad has a good in it. What it is? I LEARNED to be nice. Trust me, learning something is one of the best thing there is.
There are also 2 major negative things in my life that turned out to be the best thing that ever happened in my life. And I bet you that is the greatest thing anyone can ever hoped for. It started when I was in primary 4 and happened when I was in sec 4. I had to wait 6 years for that greatest thing to happen in my life. Alhamdulilah...And I'm still waiting for someone I can really trust for me to share that. Of coz I can't put it here, if I do, my friends will never look at me the same again. Becoz to this day I'm still carrying it. (Im not exxagerating) Hmmm perhaps I should start making a novel out of it...hehe
So see, every bad has a good in it. You just have to be patient and WAIT...WAIT LAHH!!!
I still remembered that time when i was in sec 1 or 2. I watched Klinik Kita on Suria and they interviewed this nurse. She said sometings I cant rmb but what she said that hit me to this day that I will never ever forget in my life is that, "Every bad has a good in it". Simple. Its a simple phrase but has a very deep meaning. Thats the phrase that keeps me going on. Thats the phrase that keeps me from not getting angry. I've never in my life got angry at my friends after sec 2 and that phrase is the secret.
I can be the most heartless person you've ever met. I can be the most irritating person you've ever met. I can be the most stupid person you've ever met. I can be the most caring person you've ever met. I can be the most nicest and friendliest person you've ever met..I'm versatile. But I CHOSE not to be and to be. I chose to be who am I today.
Think that I'm innocent and has no bad records? In school, I made a friend of mine got canned by the principal for my bad deeds. And to this day no one knows who's the real culprit (unless they read this). And to this day I regretted what I've done. But like I said, every bad has a good in it. What it is? I LEARNED to be nice. Trust me, learning something is one of the best thing there is.
There are also 2 major negative things in my life that turned out to be the best thing that ever happened in my life. And I bet you that is the greatest thing anyone can ever hoped for. It started when I was in primary 4 and happened when I was in sec 4. I had to wait 6 years for that greatest thing to happen in my life. Alhamdulilah...And I'm still waiting for someone I can really trust for me to share that. Of coz I can't put it here, if I do, my friends will never look at me the same again. Becoz to this day I'm still carrying it. (Im not exxagerating) Hmmm perhaps I should start making a novel out of it...hehe
So see, every bad has a good in it. You just have to be patient and WAIT...WAIT LAHH!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Random Thought
As many as people getting married lately, there are also alot of couples breaking up. (I think sometings abit wrong with this sentence in terms of language) Hope that everything turns out well soon. I can't talk much coz I've never been in one before. Like they said, you have to experience it to feel it. A human mind is indeed a powerful thing, but experience is more powerful (Again, somethings not right in this sentence). But what is love? To me, love is...SACRIFICE
Just a side note, sometimes I look at my fren's parents and I get.....jealous.....
Just a side note, sometimes I look at my fren's parents and I get.....jealous.....
Been *busying* myself with garageband lately. Composing new songs and writing new lyrics for her. Cheh...Sulinah helped too, but abit only. Hehe no lah she helped quite a lot. Thankz. Hmmm what shall I write about ah? Nothing much happened. Just coming out with new songs and sending it to her. Well if any of you want to share me your lyrics, I'll be more than happy to make a song out of it.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Ok just watched a bit of FIGHT CLUB just now. At some scenes, brad pitt looks like Azwan Ali (malay celeb). Ok this is very very very scary. Brad pitt = Azwan ALi...scary...
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
From Me To You
Here's a little something written by me specially to my brownie buddy, none other then HAFIZA!! Some of them might be grammatically wrong but its on purpose so that it flows nicely. And its ok if you don't understand the story behind it, but she and I sure do.
From You
For the times you helped me
For the wrongs you made right
For the spirit you gave me
For the lessons you taught
and I learned from it...
From you
For the weeks we've been through
For the moments we shared
For the joy we had
For the tears you've shed
that made me realise...
From you
You had faith in me
You put your trust in me
You sacrifice your time for me
You done that for me
You lost that for me
You worked hard for me
But all I did was say okay...
Is a sorry too late?
Is a thank you enough?
From You
For the times you helped me
For the wrongs you made right
For the spirit you gave me
For the lessons you taught
and I learned from it...
From you
For the weeks we've been through
For the moments we shared
For the joy we had
For the tears you've shed
that made me realise...
From you
You had faith in me
You put your trust in me
You sacrifice your time for me
You done that for me
You lost that for me
You worked hard for me
But all I did was say okay...
Is a sorry too late?
Is a thank you enough?
From the Novice
Today went out with Ernie and her cute sis, Ayu (hehe) to watch the much promoted "The Leap Years" at Bishan Junction 8. Firstly, before you see my review of one of the greatest love movie that I ever watch, I would like to say that...Junction 8 is boring!!! And to think that I always hang out there during my secondary school days.
Ok now for the review. Do note that I seldom watch movies, but that doesnt mean that I do not know what is typical and what is not. Do also note that I don't really like to watch romantic movies. They are somewhat boring. But here is my review...
Storyline was quite good. Above average I would say. It has this certain essence of suspense that keeps you wanting more and wanting to know what's happening next. The transition from the past to the present was beautifully executed as well, especially in the last few scenes where it keeps on changing from past to present. Sure many of you would have already seen this *effect*, but TLY is different. I could really feel the movie. Its like as if it has its aura. Acting-wise, was above average. But the thing I loved about this movie is the SCRIPTS! The scripts were excellent! It has intelligent humor on some parts and it flows very well with the scenes. Now this is a rare thing in Singapore.
Overall, I would rate this 8/10!! I couldnt give it a 9 because Qi Wu Wu aka KS spoils on some of the most romantic scenes in the movie because of his incapibility to speak good english. D*MN it! Why do the director have to chose him?!! Though I think they chose him on purpose, but D*MN it! I also couldnt give this movie a full 10 becoz obviously it can be improved.
Another last note, what is KS's full name? They didn't mention it in the movie! Is it Kiasu? Kanna Sai? Kasui (a type of kueh)? Kalsom?
Now, the outing with Ernie and Ayu was fun! Darn it if its with Ernie of coz it'll be fun! Hehe...
Ok now for the review. Do note that I seldom watch movies, but that doesnt mean that I do not know what is typical and what is not. Do also note that I don't really like to watch romantic movies. They are somewhat boring. But here is my review...
Storyline was quite good. Above average I would say. It has this certain essence of suspense that keeps you wanting more and wanting to know what's happening next. The transition from the past to the present was beautifully executed as well, especially in the last few scenes where it keeps on changing from past to present. Sure many of you would have already seen this *effect*, but TLY is different. I could really feel the movie. Its like as if it has its aura. Acting-wise, was above average. But the thing I loved about this movie is the SCRIPTS! The scripts were excellent! It has intelligent humor on some parts and it flows very well with the scenes. Now this is a rare thing in Singapore.
Overall, I would rate this 8/10!! I couldnt give it a 9 because Qi Wu Wu aka KS spoils on some of the most romantic scenes in the movie because of his incapibility to speak good english. D*MN it! Why do the director have to chose him?!! Though I think they chose him on purpose, but D*MN it! I also couldnt give this movie a full 10 becoz obviously it can be improved.
Another last note, what is KS's full name? They didn't mention it in the movie! Is it Kiasu? Kanna Sai? Kasui (a type of kueh)? Kalsom?
Now, the outing with Ernie and Ayu was fun! Darn it if its with Ernie of coz it'll be fun! Hehe...
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Hi Holidays!
ARGH!!! My readers seem to have left my blog because I wasn't updating regularly! argh!! Its not that I'm lazy to update (actually that's part of the reason), but the actualy reason is, its hard to get internet connection here in my room. Because the internet cable is in my brother's rm and he is forever using it. So, I have to depend on some kind sould out there for connection. And it seems that he/she has already found out that I'm invading his connection, so that used-to-be-kind-soul-now-idiotic-moron has set a password so I cant get unto his connection! argh!! But sometines, like now, I can get. So I have to tyoe this quick, if not suddenly he activate the password again and argh!!!!
Firstly, Presentations over!!!!! Here comes holidays!!!! WOOOHOOO!!! And I decided to have a rundown thankz one-by one who has helped me with my project. Here we go...
Ernie & Natasha - Ernie for always being the one that I can talk to if I'm bored or need a break, and disturbing her as well hehehe..And natasha for her great comments on every single thing I asked her.
Sulinah & Nadhirah - For being my bile-ko-nak-makan partner and bile-ko-nak-balek partner.
Rina - For entertaining me throughout the 3 weeks. I can just look at her and start laughing already!
Mustapha - For being my technical and song buddy. *ko pernah dgr lagu ni tak?*
Serene - For being my food supplier. If Im hungry, juz go to her desk, there will always be food. Hhahha And for the maggi too!
Lastly, I really need to thank her for her great patient! She's the one always pushing me to my limits, My brownie buddy...
HAFIZA - Sorry coz I've let you down a couple of times. I know you're sad, I know you've cried. You don't have to tell me, I know. Thanks for everythingggggg....
Lastly, Alhamdulilah, I thank God for blessing me with such great friends. I'm actually very relieved that I didnt get to my new course, because I can never find a replacement for these great people here...Well, God has done something nice to me, its time for me to repay him. Now that its holiday, I can mengaji more and pray even more *khusyuk*....
Firstly, Presentations over!!!!! Here comes holidays!!!! WOOOHOOO!!! And I decided to have a rundown thankz one-by one who has helped me with my project. Here we go...
Ernie & Natasha - Ernie for always being the one that I can talk to if I'm bored or need a break, and disturbing her as well hehehe..And natasha for her great comments on every single thing I asked her.
Sulinah & Nadhirah - For being my bile-ko-nak-makan partner and bile-ko-nak-balek partner.
Rina - For entertaining me throughout the 3 weeks. I can just look at her and start laughing already!
Mustapha - For being my technical and song buddy. *ko pernah dgr lagu ni tak?*
Serene - For being my food supplier. If Im hungry, juz go to her desk, there will always be food. Hhahha And for the maggi too!
Lastly, I really need to thank her for her great patient! She's the one always pushing me to my limits, My brownie buddy...
HAFIZA - Sorry coz I've let you down a couple of times. I know you're sad, I know you've cried. You don't have to tell me, I know. Thanks for everythingggggg....
Lastly, Alhamdulilah, I thank God for blessing me with such great friends. I'm actually very relieved that I didnt get to my new course, because I can never find a replacement for these great people here...Well, God has done something nice to me, its time for me to repay him. Now that its holiday, I can mengaji more and pray even more *khusyuk*....