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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Hi Holidays!

ARGH!!! My readers seem to have left my blog because I wasn't updating regularly! argh!! Its not that I'm lazy to update (actually that's part of the reason), but the actualy reason is, its hard to get internet connection here in my room. Because the internet cable is in my brother's rm and he is forever using it. So, I have to depend on some kind sould out there for connection. And it seems that he/she has already found out that I'm invading his connection, so that used-to-be-kind-soul-now-idiotic-moron has set a password so I cant get unto his connection! argh!! But sometines, like now, I can get. So I have to tyoe this quick, if not suddenly he activate the password again and argh!!!!

Firstly, Presentations over!!!!! Here comes holidays!!!! WOOOHOOO!!! And I decided to have a rundown thankz one-by one who has helped me with my project. Here we go...

Ernie & Natasha - Ernie for always being the one that I can talk to if I'm bored or need a break, and disturbing her as well hehehe..And natasha for her great comments on every single thing I asked her.

Sulinah & Nadhirah - For being my bile-ko-nak-makan partner and bile-ko-nak-balek partner.

Rina - For entertaining me throughout the 3 weeks. I can just look at her and start laughing already!

Mustapha - For being my technical and song buddy. *ko pernah dgr lagu ni tak?*

Serene - For being my food supplier. If Im hungry, juz go to her desk, there will always be food. Hhahha And for the maggi too!

Lastly, I really need to thank her for her great patient! She's the one always pushing me to my limits, My brownie buddy...

HAFIZA - Sorry coz I've let you down a couple of times. I know you're sad, I know you've cried. You don't have to tell me, I know. Thanks for everythingggggg....

Lastly, Alhamdulilah, I thank God for blessing me with such great friends. I'm actually very relieved that I didnt get to my new course, because I can never find a replacement for these great people here...Well, God has done something nice to me, its time for me to repay him. Now that its holiday, I can mengaji more and pray even more *khusyuk*....
posted by dauzz at 12:31 AM


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