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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

From Me To You

Here's a little something written by me specially to my brownie buddy, none other then HAFIZA!! Some of them might be grammatically wrong but its on purpose so that it flows nicely. And its ok if you don't understand the story behind it, but she and I sure do.

From You

For the times you helped me
For the wrongs you made right
For the spirit you gave me
For the lessons you taught
and I learned from it...
From you

For the weeks we've been through
For the moments we shared
For the joy we had
For the tears you've shed
that made me realise...
From you

You had faith in me
You put your trust in me
You sacrifice your time for me
You done that for me
You lost that for me
You worked hard for me

But all I did was say okay...

Is a sorry too late?
Is a thank you enough?
posted by dauzz at 1:32 PM


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