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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

From the Novice

Today went out with Ernie and her cute sis, Ayu (hehe) to watch the much promoted "The Leap Years" at Bishan Junction 8. Firstly, before you see my review of one of the greatest love movie that I ever watch, I would like to say that...Junction 8 is boring!!! And to think that I always hang out there during my secondary school days.

Ok now for the review. Do note that I seldom watch movies, but that doesnt mean that I do not know what is typical and what is not. Do also note that I don't really like to watch romantic movies. They are somewhat boring. But here is my review...

Storyline was quite good. Above average I would say. It has this certain essence of suspense that keeps you wanting more and wanting to know what's happening next. The transition from the past to the present was beautifully executed as well, especially in the last few scenes where it keeps on changing from past to present. Sure many of you would have already seen this *effect*, but TLY is different. I could really feel the movie. Its like as if it has its aura. Acting-wise, was above average. But the thing I loved about this movie is the SCRIPTS! The scripts were excellent! It has intelligent humor on some parts and it flows very well with the scenes. Now this is a rare thing in Singapore.

Overall, I would rate this 8/10!! I couldnt give it a 9 because Qi Wu Wu aka KS spoils on some of the most romantic scenes in the movie because of his incapibility to speak good english. D*MN it! Why do the director have to chose him?!! Though I think they chose him on purpose, but D*MN it! I also couldnt give this movie a full 10 becoz obviously it can be improved.

Another last note, what is KS's full name? They didn't mention it in the movie! Is it Kiasu? Kanna Sai? Kasui (a type of kueh)? Kalsom?

Now, the outing with Ernie and Ayu was fun! Darn it if its with Ernie of coz it'll be fun! Hehe...
posted by dauzz at 12:30 AM


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