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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Died from Cutting Veggies...
That's the HOT topic for today! No, not that Haizad Imran being in NYP whatsoever, its Nadhirah's hot news that I'm covering today! Ok maybe I will add a little bit of HI...BUT now...
While waiting for Cherine, Hafiza and Sulinah buying stuffs from cheers, Ernie read a newspaper with the topic *Boy drowned in a swimming pool* or something like that. And I was saying how a boy couldn't be drowned in a swimming pool, come on, its ONLY a swimming pool. And then Nadhirah told me something...
"Anything can happen. Imagine one day if you're cutting vegetables then u accidentally slice your finger and you then you die on the spot. Anything can happen what*...The four of us (Nadhirah herself, me, ernie, natasha) were laughing like hell!! Of all the examples she gave to explain her theory of anything can happen, she gave cutting vegetables! Then I went on to say that u can also die from eating KitKat (natasha was eating kitkat, tercekik). And Nadhirah went on to say that you can further die by knocking on to a fire-extinguisher (there was one in front of her). And we continue to laugh our hearts out!
And today, saw the malay celeb Haizad Imran eating at Koufu. I was told by a makcik from one of the stallholders that he is studying here in NYP taking advanced diploma in Nursing! (Sulinah then told me how she would act-to-faint in front of him so that he could tend to her) And you should see Hafiza's expressions upon seeing him! Its as if she's seeing me! Haha Ok I like that sentence...
While waiting for Cherine, Hafiza and Sulinah buying stuffs from cheers, Ernie read a newspaper with the topic *Boy drowned in a swimming pool* or something like that. And I was saying how a boy couldn't be drowned in a swimming pool, come on, its ONLY a swimming pool. And then Nadhirah told me something...
"Anything can happen. Imagine one day if you're cutting vegetables then u accidentally slice your finger and you then you die on the spot. Anything can happen what*...The four of us (Nadhirah herself, me, ernie, natasha) were laughing like hell!! Of all the examples she gave to explain her theory of anything can happen, she gave cutting vegetables! Then I went on to say that u can also die from eating KitKat (natasha was eating kitkat, tercekik). And Nadhirah went on to say that you can further die by knocking on to a fire-extinguisher (there was one in front of her). And we continue to laugh our hearts out!
And today, saw the malay celeb Haizad Imran eating at Koufu. I was told by a makcik from one of the stallholders that he is studying here in NYP taking advanced diploma in Nursing! (Sulinah then told me how she would act-to-faint in front of him so that he could tend to her) And you should see Hafiza's expressions upon seeing him! Its as if she's seeing me! Haha Ok I like that sentence...
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Tuhan ku, ku relakan segala, takkan pernah, ku akui kalah...
I've been repeating this song esepcially the last korus for 20 mins!!! I can't believe that I'm actually addicted to this song by Taufik Batisah. Argh! (Lagu dingin pon aku tak repeat cenggini skali)....And I have Sulinah to blame for this becoz she was the one who sent it to me! Sulinahhh!!!!! Oh btw, as much as i LOVE the ending korus, the closing really sux! Such a turn-off!
I've been repeating this song esepcially the last korus for 20 mins!!! I can't believe that I'm actually addicted to this song by Taufik Batisah. Argh! (Lagu dingin pon aku tak repeat cenggini skali)....And I have Sulinah to blame for this becoz she was the one who sent it to me! Sulinahhh!!!!! Oh btw, as much as i LOVE the ending korus, the closing really sux! Such a turn-off!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Its so sad to say goodbye to people that have made your life happy throughout the months you've been with them...
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I'm HOT!
Planned to wish everyone a happy belated new year and christmas, but I was sooooo angry!!
Juz now around 12.40, some idiot who claimed they're from POWER98 called my HOUSE PHONE! Its a girl and she told me that I've won 2 movie tickets in a lucky draw. And then she asked me a question, it goes like this..."How would you feel leaving your girlfriend naked with your bestfriend?" I was ******* (keep guessing coz I donnoe what it is either) shocked! Argh I'm still hot now! ahsijhdajkdnhjsadhi
Juz now around 12.40, some idiot who claimed they're from POWER98 called my HOUSE PHONE! Its a girl and she told me that I've won 2 movie tickets in a lucky draw. And then she asked me a question, it goes like this..."How would you feel leaving your girlfriend naked with your bestfriend?" I was ******* (keep guessing coz I donnoe what it is either) shocked! Argh I'm still hot now! ahsijhdajkdnhjsadhi