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Thursday, November 15, 2007

You Failed Your English?

How will you feel when a girl tells you "Im Sorry, but there is a guy in my life now. And i love him, all i can say is Sorry. Can you live your own life? And i live mine?"

Now now isn't that RUDE!!!! I mean this is what you said after 2 years together? Helloooo gerl u failed your english? Or was it meant to be on purpose? Can you use more polite words, especially since you've jus said sorry...? Or u really failed your english? Have u ever felt a slap on your cheeks before? Do you even know what a slap is? If no, would you like one for free? If yes, does it hurt?

I'm mad simply becoz of that extremely rude sentence! If only she's a guy and I'm gay, (I said IF!) I would have pulled her (or his) hair. What do u expect, I'm a gay. (I SAID IFFFFF!!!!) Hahahaha....

Still mad though...
posted by dauzz at 2:16 AM


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