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Thursday, November 15, 2007

About Today...

Today I went to Sameer's house (yet again) to use his computer. Since my computer was down, I need to use his to install 3D Max to tryout whether its working correctly. And to think that I passed the softwares to my classmates before even trying em'. Haha...

Since there was no complains from anyone, I concluded it worked fine, and indeed it did! (indeed it did??) Then, completed one of my many 3D assignments and showed Sameer ALL of my word that I did for the past weeks. Hehe obviously, he was impressed. He even liked the 3D software and told me not to uninstall it before I left becoz he wants to play with it (He usually ask me to uninstall everything that I've installed when I come to his house).

After that, I saw Sameer's REAL HIDDEN IDENTITY! He told me that no one has ever seen him the way I saw him! So basically, I was the first one to know and to see (no, NOT THAT!). Well I shall not give away heaven's secrets...Hehe

Left his house after I got sick of his house and went to Jonathan's house instead. He wanted me to help him changing extensions thingy. Then, went jogging. I jogged alone while he walked with his mp3 player because he didn't want to jog so late at night. It was 10.40pm btw.

Then, went home to eat and type this thing.
posted by dauzz at 1:55 AM


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