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Friday, October 19, 2007

Some Updates...

After so long of not updating my blog, I thought I will do some updates tonight. Well, ALOT of things had happened since the last time I blogged. Hmmmm, where shall I start...

First of all, SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all Muslims around the world!

My Raya this year is quite bland and boring though. Coz on the third day of raya, my family was working (dad, bro, sis, bro-in-law) and my school had started. The only one who always seems to be home is my mom, coz she's a housewife. So, didn't visit many houses this year. To be exact, so far we've only visited 3 houses (on the first day of Raya) and thats it! Despite the busyness of me with school and my family with work, I staill end with a huge sum of money at the end of the day. And my brother still owes me 200 bucks.

School on Monday was ok. Met with my peeps and had some catching up. Had new modules for the semester. Hmmmm, I have to buck up this semester coz my previous was a total mess! I screwed up big time!

Then on Wednesday, had our Hari Raya Gathering (or is it visiting) with my poly frenz. We visited a total of 8 houses if I'm not wrong. It was so fun that it couldn't be any funner.

For my last paragraph, I would like to say this. I do not ever want to sit in front in a taxi ever again!! Enough of the knee cap crap!!
posted by dauzz at 1:41 AM


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