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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Just A Little Thankz

Okok I'm NOT lazy, in fact I'm so hardworking now that I'll be updating my blog every HOUR! HAPPY?? Haha...seriously, due to my fanz and my faithful readers of this blog, I've once again step up to update my blog!

Ok for the appetizers, I'm now currently working on a short story in this holiday. Focusing on the genre murder/mystery and a little pinch of romance. But seriously I hate romantic story, its just that, thats the only thing I'm good at writing.

Ok now for the main course. Yesterday, I went to the Manpower Central whatever blah blah blah for my NS enlistment. Yes they've called me already! All I did was register for NS on the website, THATS ALL! And we had to travel from Hougang to Bukit Timah just for that (no comments).

And now for the desserts. Just now in Popular, while I was queuing up to pay for my Hari Raya Card (thats gonna be sent to London), a lady, who I believed have just finished paying, came up to me and told me that I could pay it at CD-Rama (apparently, CD-Rama and Popular merged, reminds me of History). And there was a long queue for the Popular counter. And after she told me that I was like *Oh ok*. YES THAT'S WHAT I REGRETTED! I regretted not thanking her!
posted by dauzz at 1:13 AM


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