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Thursday, November 15, 2007

I Live Once Again!

Yes, I live once again! Firstly, a very BIG thankz to my dear Ernie who has helped me out choosing blogskins, though I didn't take her selections, but I really appreciate the help. Secondly, a more BIGGER thankz to my buddy Sameer for 'renovating' my blog. Yup he added the links and tagboard (though he should have change the colour of the tagboard which doesn't suit my blogskin).

And now, everything is back to normal and I have more reasons to blog FREQUENTLY. There's loads of stories and news that I wanna share. Maybe I will even post a few entries today (while my mood is still up).

Firstly, I wanna say that I got in for the PROJEK CERPEN that was organized by Suria! PROJEK CERPEN is a 24-hr short story competition whereby one must stay overnight and write a story which must consists of minimum 2000 words. Sounds easy right, considering that its only 2000 words and you have like the whole day to think and write. And u can even call for help. You can call your teachers for ideas or ask anyone to check on your story and get their opinions before you submit. Isn't that simply Amazing with a capital A?

Well, the participants are required to camp in in Kampung Glam Taman Warisan Melayu *Malay Heritage Tour) which was at Bugis. We are also required to report there at 845am, and once everyone is gathered, the official race will start at 10am sharp! ANd at that time, we were told to take an envelope that has our name on it. Inside that envelope will be the theme of the story that we have to write and also the judging criteria. Well, my theme was SUSPENSE and I have to include elderly, adults and children in my story. (Isn't that the whole age group?!)

Another interesting note, the competition was featured on television!!!!!! Er, like 5 mins, but who cares. And my face appeared on TV!!!!! BUT I was so frustrated becoz I was only featured for 3 measly seconds!!! I mean, u scared our tvs will break is it? (if you know what i mean)
posted by dauzz at 12:25 AM


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