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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Good and The Bad

Before I begin, I would like to wish my goooood, kind-hearted friend, Han Hui a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! (It was on the 14 of July and this is the 5th time I'm wishing her) Since I didn't give her any presents, I just gave wishes. HA! Han Hui is seriously a very very nice person! I still remembered that time when I pestered her not to help buy stuff for our classmates. She was like *Don't be so bad! Must socialize*. Haha see! She is indeed a nice person!
The Good thing, I FINALLY KNOW HOW TO USE AFTER EFFECTS!!! After around 3 months in this course only now I know the basics (only basics) of after effects. It was yesterday when Ms Tina held a test for After Effects. We had to create boxes and animate them. Sounds easy? Well, for around 2 hours I managed to complete only 15 seconds. Even the experts struggled through! In the end, I PASSED the test! At least my 2 hours efforts aren't wasted. For the first time in my life I'm gonna use this software for my 3rd project. Hope it turns out brilliant (fine is not good enough!).
The bad thing, today there was another drawing test! Our task was to draw a car plus the surroundings. Drawing the car was really easy. What was difficult is the shading!! AFter I finished drawing the car, I thought *Hey this is not so bad, I shouldn't fail this*. But after I shade the car, I was just speechless! Not because its a masterpiece, BUT, its the most horrible drawing I ever done in this course!!! But with ALOT of help from Ernie and Rachael, I managed to give a complete makeover to my drawing. In the end, it turned out fine (just fine).
Oh while drawing a long-lost friend of mine spotted me and sat down to chat with me. Yes it was Izdihar to the rescue!!! Yeah we crapped ALOT!
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