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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Is It A Wake Up Call?

I got a D for drawing test today! Tell me that its bad! Yes for the first time in my life, I failed my drawing!! Well, its not that its crap, rubbish or ugly, but its INCOMPLETE! The moment the lecturer (the thin 'guy') saw that I only completed half the page, he immediately put it in the D side of display. He didn't even look much at it! Argh! Yes I'm very slow when it comes to drawing! But would u rather look at an OK but completed drawing or NICE but incomplete? Hmmm...
Miss Kamalam (the comm. skills lecturer) told us today that there would probably be no more comm. skills lesson in the future. Being a comm skills fanatic, (I just invented that, but I really love comm skills, or should I say Kamalam? HA!) I am extremely disappointed! But she did mentioned that we could request for comm. skills lesson in the future, but I doubt the class wants it. Hmmm... Oh btw, as interesting as it sounds, I yawned 9 times in that one hour of comm. skills.
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