Looking In

Saturday, December 15, 2007

While I'm still in the mood...

While I'm still in the mood, I better update. Didn't update much lately, due to my busy schedule, which include assignments, projects and tv stuffs.

Since I was one of the 10 winners of the storywriting competition, I've been quite busy with the mediacorp people. Meetings, photoshoots and so on. Last weeks thursday I had this photo-shoot for a malay magazine, MANJA. It will be out this sunday or monday I'm not sure. This will be the first time I ever buy this magazine.

Alot of things has happened this past 2 weeks. Been quarrelling with frenz, assignments, projects, been to museum and been sleeping way past midnight, around 3am at least. I don't know why but I can't seem to knock off early.

I went for the Singapore Design Festival to look at some works by artist and teenagers like us. I took ALOT of photos (more than 200), which I will post SOME of it hear later at another entry.

And one thing, I went for the Noise Singapore Festival because I was invited because my work was supposedly exhibited there. But NO! The man called me earlier and told me that *Your work has been selected and will be showcased on th Noise Singapore Festival*. Well, like any ordinary human being, i was YAYYYYYYYY!! Uptill when I reached there and see no work by me!
posted by dauzz at 12:08 AM


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