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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My Friendly Neighbourhood

Two days ago (or is it 3 days), me and Michelle went to film in Punggol Park for our AIDS Project. Some of my classmates (if they're reading this) might be surprised, but yeah. I'm doing another AIDS project because I am so terribly bored at home during the holidays. And our theme is CHILDREN. Wanna say thankz to Rina because her work really inspires me (although it wasn't nice). Haha kidding!

Ok so since we're doing on kids, we need to find kids out there to film. So we went to Punggol Park to find kids at the playground. When we get there, we saw lost of them playing in the playground. And we get our stuffs ready (basically means to revise our storyboard and really plan what to do with the kids becoz they were not ours). Oh before that, we bought some chocolates to so-called lure the kids so that they will act properly.

After we've done our preparation, more than half of them had already gone somewhere else. What a waste! So we quikly approached 2 of them who were about to leave. Michelle did all the talking and crap. Saying that only our class will view the project (which in fact, NOT) and we are from media course (she is working mind you) and blah blah blah. To our surprised, they said yes without any hesistant. And we even asked them to join in our filming, and they agreed!!! What kind souls they are!!! See, Singaporeans aren't that bad after all. They even cracked jokes and laugh along with us.

Ok after we got our *future actors and actresses*, we quickly instruct them on what to do. Man they're cute! Especially the little girl who was the AIDS girl. Of coz we didn't tell the mother this. She looks like a foreigner though, but was extremely cute!!!! Ok gotta go meet her to do our editing now, Sayonara. Assalamualaikum...
posted by dauzz at 10:13 PM


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