Looking In

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Okz I didn't update my blog lately not because of the final studio project, but because my computer crashed! SO now, I'm at the library with my macbook. (FREE INTERNET ACCESS SOMEMORE) Haha...Hmmmm I got a lot of things to talk about, not to mention loads of pictures. But pictures will be later on another post kz. And I'm just gonna cut-short. Lets seee....

About the studio project, FINALLY its over. After 3 weeks of marriage, we have officially divorced on friday. (Talak 4! hahah). Its been a nice experience working with Shavien. Yeah although we argued ALOT, but in the end we are both satisfied. She even said thankz for being her partner for this project. Ah how sweet of her. Hehehe...

And thankz to Sameer, Izdihar and Michelle for acting on my project. Yeah you guys make a great people-with-Aids. Hahah Kiddingz. And how can I forget Natasha Lim for the voiceover. Well I can't do anything than to say A BIG THANKZ!

Now that my semester has ended, ITS HOLIDAYZZ TIME!!! Wooohooo! I have one month and a half to enjoy my holidayzz to the fullest! (until 15 October). Gonna mizz my buddies in school though. And I havent thought of what I'm gonna do in this holidayzz yet. Hmmm...

And Monday is Parents' Day! (I made that name up). Well basically, our parents are invited to school to see what we have done for that semester. That basically means that they are gonna see all of our 4 projects. Both my parents are coming around 12++. So early rite. Told them not to, but my father is working night-shift, and her needs to get some rest on the late afternoon. so I guess there's no choice. I'm sooooo dead if they see my perfume advertisement project where a guy will be *kissing* the girl's shoulder INSIDE MY BROTHER'S ROOM!
posted by dauzz at 1:28 PM


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