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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Getting Dumb

I'm going to dedicate this blog entirely to what happened yesterday. Hehe

Have u ever had to wait a bus for so long that ermmm...err that what ah? Ok what the heck! Yes I waited for this bus 88 for almost an hour!!! And I'm late for school even after I left my house! Ya I only got the idiot bus at around 10am. Luckily I was listening to my MP3 Player, got fren! HA! When it did arrive finally, only 2 of them came, one was crowded and the other was TAKING ITS OWN SWEET TIME TO MOVE!!! Engine problem? I don't think so. Then, when I boarded the bus, there was this chinese ah ma telling the bus driver 'aiyah wa manyak lama tunggu ini bus lo'. Means 'Aiyah I so long wait for this bus liao'. Haha!! And as you guessed so, I was late by an hour and a half for school and there was a test that day!! Managed to complete it though.

Oh wait, the bus coming late (the bus was late! not me!) was one thing, getting on the bus for a 10 mins trip was another thing!! It was dumb and ridiculous (both me and the bus)!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!

Han Hui was like teaching me how to *hide* that you're listening to Mp3. Haha it attracted quite a crowd. And yes I was soooo embarrassed (really dumb at this kind of things) when she had to demonstrate to me. Its just putting the earpiece under your top and curl it round your neck. Gosh I didn't know this until she told me. Haha yes dumb! (please don't agree with me!). SO thankz HH for teaching me. Haha...

That Mark Hillman came again! This time he showed us some German movie. I don't know whether to call the movie weird or uniques since its sort of like a montage, no moving character. I didn't watch it (duh). I slept the whole time and when I woke up, I listened to my MP3 Player. Haha... The electronics theater has got to be the most comfortable place to sleep (second to my bed of coz)!

Then went to Khairul's house to complete my AVFUN. Apparently, my computer kept on hanging when its rendering, so I have to install the software on Khairul's pc and render it there. When all is done, it was 12.40am! Haha his mom was fun and nice! Kept chatting with me about life and so forth.
posted by dauzz at 10:42 PM


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