Looking In

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Rape In The Haunted Area...

Today, like any other day, was supposed-to-do project ended up with pretended-to-do project. Seriously doing it with a partner is SO boring. NOT insulting my partner but rather, I'm saying these in general. Haizz...but what to do dey.

Oh and today, showed Amirah, Sulinah, Hafiza and Nadhirah the haunted area in my school, that Ernie had showed me previously. Well, apparently, its quite a short distance walk from our canteen (around 10 mins), but I led them to a long-almost-1 hour walk. HAHAHA we actually walked one round outside the campus. It was fun (burning calories eh) hehehe. But seriously I didn't realise I went to the extremely long way untill I nearly reached that area.

And I still remembered what Sulinah said "Agaknye Firdaus nak rape kitorang" (I think Firdaus wants to rape us) and then someone said (think is Hafiza) "Kalau die tipu kite, kite rape die pulak" (If he lied to us we rape him). Then I was saying "Bangga seh ade orang nak rape aku" (So proud that people want to rape me). HAHAHAHA!
posted by dauzz at 12:35 AM


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