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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Abs-Making Session

Today's lesson was to just complete the AVFUN, which I have already done it before hand. SO seems alot of people are still doing it at that time, I thought I should just add the subtitles in. Guess what, only now when I'm writing this, I remember that I didn't put in the credits. Haiz what to do dey.

Then skipped drawing, not only me but apparently almost half the class. Haha... Then had an abs-making session again with Rina. HAHA FUN!!! It was boring for the first 20 mins, the fun only began when we are about to depart. ARGH! See Rina I'm not rusty!! I just need TIME! Haha looking forward to another abs-making session. Ooo yeah..
posted by dauzz at 11:02 PM


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