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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Movies Spree

Yes I'm on a movies spree these few days. Been buying loads and loads of movies recently. So far I have Dreamgirls, Memoirs of a Geisha, Ju-On 1&2, The Exorcist, The Shining, Home Alone, An American Tail, Paprika and my all-time favourite cartoon series DETECTIVE CONAN! Yes I still enjoy cartoons, but only intelligent ones, which apparently is Detective Conan only. And I'm still searching for other movies. Feel free to tell me if you want any movies, I'll try and find it for you.

My friend told me that Dreamgirls was extremely funny so I just had to watch it. It IS funny ONLY if you have a wide and weird imagination. Seriously I do have these and so I found it really funny.

Yang Tien have been bragging about the animation Paprika since like Monday...? And Jed XianBin claimed that ALL motiongraphers should watch this. Oh well I guess I should give it a try. Oh if you read Paprika the other way round, it becomes "Karipap" (Curry Puff in Malay). HA! Creative isn't it! I just discovered that yesterday. I guess its sequel would be "Haipop" (Popiah) Hehe...
posted by dauzz at 7:46 PM


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