Looking In

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I can't think of a suitable title...

So now its 2-week holiday for me! Bored at home? Sometimes, especially when you don't have the mood to do your holiday assignments. Anyway, since its the holidays, I've been sleeping like at least 2am every single night, the latest being 4am! And I've been waking up at at least 1pm in the afternoon. Great...

Yesterday went to my secondary school's band just to check those guys out. Man they've grown a lot since the last time I saw them (which is a few months ago). I'm not talking about the height, but rather, their maturity. Hmmm...And for their upcoming band concert that's gonna be around Februaru-March, I will be the MC!!! Ha for sure I'll give free tix to my frens to come and watch me! hehe

After that aroun 5+, went to Scape with Liyana for the Shed.Ink Scape Script-writing competition. Its an overnight competition (just like Project Cerpen) which starts from 8pm to 8am! As expected I didn't sleep at all! So overall, I didn't sleep for one whole day! which is not exactly a big deal...

During that stay, both of us, being the *arguing* type, as usual spent 2 hours arguing how the story should go about. In the end, we took her idea for the beginning, and mine for the ending. Ate maggi mee and some snacks that are provided there. Oh we did our script-writing at some dance room and as you know, there will always be at least one extremely big mirror that covers the wall. And you know what, Liyana spent a total of 3 hours looking at the mirror (not continuosly though). I seriously have no comments!

Well, clues were given out every 2 hours that could be part of our story, but thats optional. But the more clues we include in our story, the higher percentage of winning the competition. And so, we include every single one of the clue! No less!

Our story goes like this...An elderly taxi-driver was sufferring from mid-life crisis and diabetes. So, he goes about trying to be and look young, but realise in the end that its just not his forte anymore. Thats about it. Oh the clues are, some video, ez-link, smelling of durian, newspaper, voice of the mrt *doors closing*, and scape postcards.
posted by dauzz at 7:33 PM


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