Looking In

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Alunan Kasih

Ok, if you guys didn't know it yet, I and Sulinah entered this malay songwritting competition in which one must composed a song and lyrics. The theme is our own Prophet Muhammad saw. We must write praisings about him. And ya, we didn't make it to the top 10 finalists. And today is the voting day which means all the 10 songs will be posted online for us to hear and we will have to vote which one we like. After listening to ALL of the 10 songs, my comments are as follows...Be prepared, its NOT good.

1) The theme is about Muhammad saw, and 3 of the songs' lyrics has nothing to do with him. OOOOOOKKKKK.

2) The songs all sound alike. Only around 3 stood up, but also weren't much difference. So, by listening to a couple of these songs, you will get the feel of the whole 10 songs.

3) One of the lyrics (I wont mention songs), has a very very weak lyric, even uptill a point whereby it sounds funny.

4) Mine is definitely better than some of the finalists lor.

Ok, and now I'll speculate the reasons as to why we didn't get in.

On the day we submit our songs, the shop was closed and we were told to give the submission to another shop which had this old auntie and uncle who is the shopkeeper. And we need to give $5 for entry fee.

1) The auntie didn't give the songs to the organizer, because she was very blur-type. And so, we might not even be in this competition in the first place.

2) The auntie kept the $5 note to herself and told the organizers that no one submitted.

3) The auntie just gave the submission form and not the songs.

4) I burnt the disc wrongly. Maybe it had Ziana Zain's Dingin instead.

5) The auntie lost the cds which contain our songs.

6) The auntie ate them up.

These are just speculation.

But overall, I really seriously think that my song was better than some of then finalists. I've never been more serious than this in my life. Hmmm...
posted by dauzz at 7:45 PM



Well thanks for participating. Do try again next time yah..

Follow me in my entrepreneurship journeys

May 3, 2008 at 11:41 PM  

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